GGJ2021 - Face
Jan 29 - Jan 31 2021 (48 hours)
This project was for Falmouth University's Global Game Jam! 48 Hours to create a game with the theme of Lost & Found.
Our team was comprised of:
Jake Meaker (The Programming All-Star)
Jemma Gilbert (Me! The Lighting & 2D Artist)
Kim Conway (The Voice Actor & Writer)
We created a 2D Top-Down Horror game, trapped in an abandoned
hospital, you have only a flashlight to navigate the dingy wards and find a way to escape. You aren't the only thing creeping around in the darkness though, so tread carefully, lest you lose more than just your nerve.
The Lighting was created with Unity's URP Package, that features 2D lights, which is how we created the ambient and torch light. It also includes Shadow Casters, placed on all the sprites to create the hard shadows we have in the game.
The Particles have gradients they generate from. The Dust specifically uses noise to float around the room, where as the Sparkles are static.
Both particles change frames over time, to make them seem like they are becoming bigger and smaller, to give an illusion that they are increasing in height, from a top-down view.